Privacy Policy

Guidelines for the processing of personal data.
By paying the amount for the service provided, you accept this privacy policy.

In general

When you sign up for any service provided by Bel Fitness&Health, we collect information about you. Below you can read about the information that is collected, and how the information is processed, what it is used for, who has access to the information, and who you can contact if you have questions or objections regarding the information collected.

Bel Fitness&Health collects just the information that is provided by you.

1. Personal information

1.1. What is personal information?

Bel Fitness&Health asks for your personal and user-related information when you send an email regarding more information about any package on the website, primarily information such as name, email and personal goals.

1.2. Retention of personal information

When you book a course, we need your personal information to send the correspondent invoice.

We keep your information as long as you have a course with Bel Fitness&Health.

1.3. What does Bel Fitness&Health use personal information for?

Detailed information is ask to the client when filling up the client’s formulary once you sign up, such as lifestyle, nutrition and training related subject. This is done to provide a coaching as personalized as possible.

The information will not be passed on to third parties unless you give separate consent to this. Please note that any information you provide - including personally identifiable information - in a public forum, such as
an online debate or group, is not covered by this Privacy Policy and may be viewed by third parties who have nothing to do with Bel Fitness&Health.
We recommend that you carefully consider what information you provide in connection with the use of these.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please send us an email or call us at the addresses and telephone numbers provided on the website.


Bel Fitness&Health

CVR: 42354597
2100 København Ø
Phone: 31 90 11 17